2022 World Brewers Cup Champion

Congratulations to Shih Yuan Hsu Sherry, representing UCC Taiwan, for winning in the 2022 of World Brewers Cup (WBrC) at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE) in Australia from 27 to 30 September 2022. Over the last two days, she competed with 31 champion competitors around the world and won the title of 2022 World Brewers Cup Champion!

The World Brewers Cup competition highlights the craft of filter coffee brewing by hand, promoting manual coffee brewing and service excellence. In this Championship, competitors prepare and serve three individual beverages for a panel of judges. The Championship consists of two rounds: a first round and a final round. During the first round competitors complete two coffee services – a compulsory service and an open service. For the compulsory service, competitors prepare three beverages utilizing whole bean coffee provided to them by the competition. For the open service, competitors may utilize any whole bean coffee of their choosing and must also accompany their beverage preparation with a presentation.

This morning, the six competitors from Taiwan, Indonesia, Norway, United States, Czech Republic and Singapore competed in the final rounds. Sherry’s presentation was amazing and precise. She provided the judges with the source of coffee she’s using, grinding size, temperature, time and ratio flow in each brew which impressed both judges and audiences. You can find out more about her outstanding performance and presentation from the below links:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTroaHo5zsk&t=13s ( in Finals round)

https://www.instagram.com/tv/CjHrD-cqwn1/?igshid=MTA0ZTI1NzA= (Live announcement result)

Once again, we would like to congratulate Sherry and UCC Taiwan team for this amazing achievement!